Ledges Golf Club

1585 Ledges Pkwy, Staint George,Utah,84770
Type: Semi-Private, open to the public
No. Holes: 18
(435) 634-4640

This course has been reviewed 2 time

I was very underwhelmed with the front nine. It felt very "Muni" and the condition was well below average. The back nine was in clearly better condition and much more scenic and fun to play. The pro shop verified that they are recently under new management and that the transition has been rough. I expect them the course to return to it's better days at some point ... I just don't know when.
Doug Tilgner
Oregon City,OR
October 28, 2010
This is a tale of 2 nines. When I played the first few holes, was disappointed. Felt it was over priced and pretty non-descript, flat and lacking character. Then I made the turn and got to the back 9, quite a difference. Holes were much more scenic and challenging and worth the trip. Overall, the course was in good shape. Not my favorite course in the area, but if you have time would definately make the trip out to play.
gary smith
Chino Hills,CA
May 17, 2010