Royal Poinciana Golf Club, Cypress Course
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Royal Poinciana Golf Club, Cypress Course

4001 Goodlette-Frank Rd, Naples,Florida,33939
Type: Private
No. Holes: 18
Detailed description

Royal Poinciana Golf Club is a Private, 36 hole golf facility located in Naples, Florida. The facility offers two 18-hole golf courses. They are The Cypress Course and The Pines Course. 

The Cypress Course opened in 1970. The course was designed by David Wallace. Arthur Hills redesigned the course in 2010. The course was renovated in 2014 by Drew Rogers.

The Cypress Course plays to 6,458 yards. The Cypress Course has noticeably narrower fairways than The Pines Course. Many of the holes are framed by mature cypress trees, and the lakes and ponds are full of native plants and wildlife.


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