Sierra Sage Golf Course
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Sierra Sage Golf Course

6355 Silverlake Blvd, Reno,Nevada,89506
Type: Public
No. Holes: 18
(775) 972-1564
Detailed description

Sierra Sage is an 18-hole public golf course located 10 miles north of downtown Reno, Nevada.

Sierra Sage golf course first opened for play in 1958.

This course has wide fairways lined with native brush, small greens, and water hazards coming into play on four holes, #2, #4, #14, and #15. Hole #2 a 150- yard, par 3, requires a drive over a small lake to an elevated green. Hole #14, a 413-yard, par 4, requires a carry of 175 yards over the lake to a dogleg right fairway, then an approach shot to an elevated, bi-level green.

Sierra Sage is a great course for beginners but still presents a challenge to all golfers.

Sierra Sage Golf Course plays to a par-71 and a distance of 6,613 yards. The course rating is 70.4 and the slope rating is 122.


This course has been reviewed 4 time

Sierra Sage is really a locals course...not really worth the drive unless you need somewhere to play...real bad. Fairways can be weird, inconsistent greens, and a little prices for the overall course IMO. Still a good challenge, maybe im just bitter because I always played like garbage here:)
Isaac Bowen
November 5, 2014
Mike Mazzaferri has turned this course around. They are doing everything right. Greens are especially good. We have a lot of courses to choose from here in the Reno area. More than a 130 courses within a hundred mile radius. Dollar for dollar this is a great value. Mazz is doing a great job.
John Corbin
July 18, 2013
With the new management, the course is looking immaculate. The Range has green grass to hit off of and the fairways and greens have never looked better. A wonderful golf experience! I did not expect to pay $39 for the round- but I had not been there for a while.
Jeff Yoshimoto
October 31, 2012
I love this course! Very fair and challenging at the same time and the price cannot be beat. The greens are always green and well kept with nary a ball mark to be found. Good job GreensKeeper!
Jeff Yoshimoto
September 21, 2009