Eaton Canyon Golf Course
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Eaton Canyon Golf Course

1150 N Sierra Madre Villa Ave, Pasadena,California,91107
Type: Public
No. Holes: 9
(626) 794-6773
Detailed description

Eaton Canyon Golf Course, in Pasadena, California

Eaton Canyon Golf Course, is a Public, 9 hole golf course located in Pasadena, California.

The Eaton Canyon Golf Course was designed by William F. Bell and opened in 1959. Opening day ceremonies included a golf outing in which dignitaries and local golf professionals, including 1961 PGA Champion, Jerry Barber.

The Eaton Canyon Golf Course plays up and down the hills. There is a flood control channel that comes into play on five holes, including #3, a 164-yard, par 3, which requires golfers to hit over the channel to reach the green. The fairways generally slope from left to right. Great views of the San Gabriel Mountains are offered from just about anywhere on the course. The greens are slightly sloped, but some are really undulating. The course has many old and large trees that can affect your shots. The wind kicks up in the afternoon, coming through the canyon, making proper club selection an important aspect of the game.

Par for the course is 35. From the back tees the course plays to 2,862 yards. From the forward tees the course measures 2,647 yards. The longest hole on the course is # 9, a par-5 that plays to 483 yards. The shortest hole on the course is # 3, a par-3 that plays to 164 yards from the back tees.

Watch out for # 1, a 404 yard par-4 challenge and the #1 handicap hole on the course. The easiest hole is # 8, a 170 yard par-3.

There are additional set tees that can be used double looping for an eighteen hole round.


This course has been reviewed 3 time

As noted in my ranking of its partner course, Altadena, also managed by DC Golf, I played the two courses with friends on the same day, sharing lunch in between our 9 hole rounds. Eaton Canyon is all down hill for the first 5 holes and just about all uphill for the last 4 holes. Fairways were in average shape, but greens were in good shape the day I played. I play this course three or four times a year with my son-in-law and my grandson, usually on holidays. I find it a reasonable challenge for my skills as a golfer. It is definitely a challenge to walk, but one that is well worth taking on which I do every time I play it, which is about 4 or 5 times a year. In my family, this course known as "cardiac hill." I assume others may know this nickname as well.
Edwin Linberg
La Verne,CA
October 28, 2011
A good walk on a hilly course. Two par 5's and two par 3's. Pace on the weekends is a bit slow but fine if you can get out on a weekday. The range allows you to hit off the grass for most of the year.
Ding Kalis
September 23, 2010
This is a nine hole course with 2 par 5's and 3 par's 3. Very nice course but the pace is a little slow.
Oscar Ramirez
April 18, 2010